How to Clean Office Carpets and Kitchens

It’s always advisable to have a professional cleaning company to help you keep things in order for your business. But, if you don’t have the budget, you need to make sure the office carpet and the kitchen are the best they can be.

How to Clean Office Carpets

Without the right cleaning products or processes, you can easily damage the office carpet. It can be riddled with stained or worse yet, you might have to dig deep into your pocket to have it installed again.

There are different methods you can use to clean the carpet. Each technique is different depending on the type of results you’re looking for.

  • Vacuuming – It’s vital to have the carpet vacuumed, especially in high traffic areas, to make deep cleaning much easier. Preferably, the carpet should be vacuumed daily. But, for areas without much traffic, three times a week will also suffice.
  • Deep Cleaning – Once in a while, you will need to deep clean your carpet. This helps to get rid of stains and deep sitting dirt. Without deep cleaning, the dirt sitting in the carpet fibres can cause the carpet to wear and speed-up the degradation of the carpet. How often you deep clean the carpet depends on the amount of traffic. High traffic areas can be deep cleaned up to three times a year while low traffic areas can be cleaned once a year.
  • Spills – With so many people in one place, expect to have a couple of spills on the carpet. How you deal with them is what makes them different. In most cases, the carpet is stain resistant, but you don’t want to take any chances. It’s vital that you don’t let the spills sit in and work themselves into the carpet fibre. The sooner you handle the spill, the easier it’s going to be to clean up. You might need to recruit the help of your employees in cleaning up the minor spills and make sure you have paper towels that can easily soak up the spills.
  • Professional Cleaning – To keep the carpet in the best possible condition, it’s vital to ensure your carpet is professionally washed at least once a year. There are different methods to use in this case. Steam cleaning or a hot water extraction process can help to remove all the gunk and stains and restore your carpet. This will help to prolong the life of the carpet and also make other routine maintenance processes like vacuuming and spot cleaning much easier.

Why not also read our latest blog post here: 10 Spring Cleaning Tips for Offices.

Cleaning the Office Kitchen

The office kitchen is yet another area of concern in the office. It’s frequented by all employees, and the dishes, dirt, and grime can pile up fast if the kitchen is not properly cleaned. Again, if you can afford professional cleaning services, this would be the best approach. If you can’t here are a few tips and processes that you can use to make sure the kitchen is sparkling clean at all times.

Get everyone to contribute

If all the employees practice due diligence, keeping the kitchen clean wouldn’t be an uphill task. Before you can try other methods, it’s important to get the employees to get into the idea of using the amenities more responsibility.

If anyone makes a mess, they should clean it up. The employees should also try and replace supplies like paper towels as soon as they run out. This will make it easier and faster to clean up messes.

Have all of the supplies

You need to keep track of all the supplies needed for the kitchen and make sure you replenish the stores in good time. Even if the workers are willing to pull their weight, if there are no suppliers, it won’t work. Some of the supplies you should make sure are always there include:

  • Recycle bins
  • Washing up liquid
  • Dish brushes
  • Cloths and paper towels
  • Appliances like dishwashers and refrigerators

It’s also prudent for the employees to report to management if any of the supplies run out. This will ensure continuity and a constant supply of the required tools and supplies to keep the kitchen clean.

Set up a Rota

There are duties that each employee can complete each day. However, you need to have a structured guideline. This will help the employees better understand what their roles are in the kitchen and what they are responsible for.

Alternatively, you can also delegate duties to the workers to make it easier to keep the kitchen clean. For instance, you can have someone supervise the use of the refrigerator and make sure workers don’t leave leftovers in there for too long and that it is also emptied within the right time. Such an approach can help to get the employees more involved.

Hire a professional service

At some point, you will need to bring in a professional kitchen cleaning service for a deep clean. Deep cleans are vital because they help to get rid of the gunk and build up and sanitise the kitchen. This is a job best left for the professionals.

Most businesses view hiring a professional cleaning service as an expense. But think of the time you free up for your employees so they can get work done that can make money and help the business grow.

It’s a tradeoff you might want to consider. If you’re not yet warmed up to the idea, having a professional service once every few months can go a long way in ensuring you have a healthy and sanitary kitchen where your staff can enjoy meals.


Keeping your office together without the help of a cleaning service requires proper planning and execution. You also need to rely heavily on the cooperation of your staff to be more responsible. Despite the planning, to ensure the office space is safe and clean enough for use, you need to bring in a professional cleaning team to work on the carpet and the kitchen once a while. This is not only for the sake of the staff but also for the appliances and finishings around the office.

Here at OCCO Cleaning Services, we provide Office Cleaning Services, as well as restaurant cleaning services and school cleaning services.

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