Benefits of Vinegar for Cleaning

Have you ever sipped wine that has turned? If you haven’t, don’t. Once wine turns, it goes from being sweet and delectable to sour – just like the vinegar you have in the pantry. With that, let’s take a step back to the wine creation process.

When wine is being made, sugars from grains or fruits are converted to alcohol. This process is called fermentation. Once the bottle is sealed and then reopened the second type of fermentation occurs. But this time, the alcohol turns into acetic acid which is the main component of vinegar.

Now vinegar is useful for many reasons including cooking and cleaning. Different types of vinegar have different levels of acetic acid and water. Distilled white vinegar has 5% acidity, while champagne vinegar has 6% acidity. Distilled white vinegar is commonly used for general cleanings. But from time to time, 6% of acidity is required to get the job done – case in point when disinfecting the surfaces in a restroom.

With that said, below are the benefits of using vinegar as a cleaning product.

Disinfectant properties

The fact that vinegar has a low pH (2.0), it is not a conducive environment for bacteria and other microorganisms. As such, it’s the perfect cleaning solution for all surfaces in your home. To get an idea of how effective it is on this front, consider how well it protects pickles from mould and bacteria.

According to studies conducted, a 10% solution of malt vinegar is effective in killing Human Influenza the A/H1N1 just like commercial wipes are. Also, a study highlighted in the Journal of Environmental Health in 1997 proved that the undiluted vinegar worked just as well as regular bleach in killing E. coli from sponges and surface.

Loosens mineral deposits

Since it has a high pH, vinegar is excellent in loosening mineral deposits including rust and lime. It can also dissolve alkaline deposits like soap scum. Because of these abilities, it is great for kitchen and bathroom cleaning. The vinegar also cuts through grease stuck on cooktops, ovens, grills and stoves and strips off wax buildup on wooden floors.

In the process of cleaning, it does a great job of deodorising and getting rid of bathroom and kitchen odours. And what’s more, vinegar is excellent in removing stains including tea and coffee from cups, coffee makers, and kitchen sinks.

It is biodegradable

Since it is a natural product, it is biodegradable and can be used to clean cars, cleaning the exterior windows and wiping down all patio furniture. It will not contaminate the water system.

It’s affordable

You cannot get a cheaper eco-friendly cleaning product like vinegar. For less than a dollar for a cup, vinegar is eco-friendly and will come in handy for cleaning any surface Also, you can save more on vinegar if you purchase in bulk.

Shelf life

Vinegar can last for 3 ½ years. But even if this expiration date passes, you don’t lose. When vinegar goes bad, it changes aesthetically. But even then, it’s safe to use. But don’t kid yourself, a large bottle of white vinegar will not last that long – you will find many uses for it around the house.


Vinegar is a true lifesaver. It can bail you out of cleaning situations you thought to be impossible. For instance, if you combine baking soda and vinegar, you can get rid of the stubborn red wine stains on your carpet and clothing.

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